Summer/autumn 2008

Hi everyone,
I've just returned from Right Real Records after an amazing weekend with Chris putting together Al's music for his memorial CD "Full Vision". This will be available for Christmas we hope. If you would like to pre order your copy (£10 UK, $15 USA, $20 Aus.) make your cheques payable to Al Ponting Charity Account, c/- Right Real Records, The Studio, 32 Browning Road, Rotherham, South Yorkshire. S65 2NS. UK. and we'll send you a 3 track preview EP "Part Vision" free of charge until "Full Vision" is released. All profits from AL's music are being donated to Habitat for Humanity.
Meanwhile - Al's single "Valley of Love" went straight into the US Gospel and Country charts at no. 25!
Caim's single "Healing God" had reached no 12 position in the same charts the last time I heard.
Caim will be soon on the road again in Canada and in Florida. We leave August 28 and are looking forward to catching up with all our friends as well as singing in Muskoka Ontario, Gainesville and Tampa. Our gigs are listed on both our websites at and
I've just returned from Right Real Records after an amazing weekend with Chris putting together Al's music for his memorial CD "Full Vision". This will be available for Christmas we hope. If you would like to pre order your copy (£10 UK, $15 USA, $20 Aus.) make your cheques payable to Al Ponting Charity Account, c/- Right Real Records, The Studio, 32 Browning Road, Rotherham, South Yorkshire. S65 2NS. UK. and we'll send you a 3 track preview EP "Part Vision" free of charge until "Full Vision" is released. All profits from AL's music are being donated to Habitat for Humanity.
Meanwhile - Al's single "Valley of Love" went straight into the US Gospel and Country charts at no. 25!
Caim's single "Healing God" had reached no 12 position in the same charts the last time I heard.
Caim will be soon on the road again in Canada and in Florida. We leave August 28 and are looking forward to catching up with all our friends as well as singing in Muskoka Ontario, Gainesville and Tampa. Our gigs are listed on both our websites at and
I mentioned in the last blog about Caim's interest in singing for the folk in the Burmese refugee camps in Thailand. Emails have gone back and forth from us and Christian Solidarity Worldwide and we hope to be singing for a few fund raising concerts throughout the UK from October onwards. We'll keep you posted as these come in. Meanwhile I hope to run a fund raising ceilidh and Caim concert in Perthshire when Jacynth is over here in November to raise funds for our forthcoming trip to Thailand with CSW in February 2009. If anyone wishes to donate to our tour of the refugee camps please make your cheque payable to CSW Burma Refugee Camp and send c/- Jacynth Hamill, 101 Galwally Park, Belfast, Northern Ireland. BT8 6AG.
That's it for now - I'm posting a pic in memory of my cat Twilights who sadly died this week.
As always - thank you for supporting our music.
That's it for now - I'm posting a pic in memory of my cat Twilights who sadly died this week.
As always - thank you for supporting our music.
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