May 2007

Photo: Margaret Gillies Brown and Heather Innes.
(Photo taken by June Kettles.
Hi everyone,
Well - I found my way back here! Starting to get the hang of this now.
May began with Caim visiting Rotherham in Yorkshire for 5 days to record at Right Real Studios with Chris and Ian. We put down vocals for three potential single tracks, developed our friendship with Chris and Ian and with Chris' family and enjoyed a couple of evenings at the home of Right Real artist Su who makes a mean curry! We hope to be back in the area in July to record a DVD for one of the tracks and for my husband Al to record a couple of his own songs for the Right Real label. Al is very excited about this as he will finally get the gospel choir backing he's always wanted on his song "Valley of Love" (It just so happens Chris directs The United Gospel Choir in Rotherham!).
Ciaran Dorris and myself have been busy with Music in Hospital concerts. We had a two day tour to Aberdeen the day after I returned from Rotherham and then several days here and there in Ayrshire and Glasgow working with fiddler Kate Kramer in our Firefrost trio.
Ciaran was a great help in my library theatre concert with Margaret Gillies Brown a couple of days ago. He played guitar for most of my songs and then finally agreed to finish off our afternoon by singing a song himself from our joint CD "Waiting for the Calm". Like last year, I thoroughly enjoyed this gig with Margaret and it turned out to be a very successful event for a second time - the theatre being almost full and the audience being very responsive to Margaret's stories and poems and my singing. The highlight of the afternoon though was when I was told by a friend that there was a rumour going round the folk scene that Ciaran and I were married! First that my husband Al and I had heard of it - or Ciaran for that matter - though as they say in these parts - we dinna muckle mind!
So - onto June when Al's band will play their first wedding gig, Caim will be in Scotland for another show with Margaret Gillies Brown plus an evening at the Tchai Ovna Tea House in Glasgow and Ciaran and I will be on tour in Northern Ireland for a week for Music in Hospitals.
See you then!